Monday, January 17, 2005


It is January 17. JANUARY 17!!! And what is going on? John Kerry is still campaigning. Did I mention that it is January 17? The election was 2 blasted months ago! John, the election is OVER!!! YOU LOST! GET OVER IT! There was no election fraud in Ohio. More buckeyes chose President Bush. That means he wins Ohio and you lose. Get over it. It is high time that you and your supporters get over the election, and quit your whining!
As for all these liberal complainers stating that they have better ideas?! OH PLEASE! It was your precious president that had Osama Bin Laden handed to him on the proverbial silver platter, and did NOTHING! He let him go. What did that result in? 9-11. It was your precious president that signed the North American Free Trade Agreement. THIS is why jobs are going outside our borders. I find it interesting that Kerry blamed the president that jobs were leaving the US, when his own wife owned foreign company. It this a conflict of interest or what? Then they blame the president for not supplying the troops with the needed armor. Excuse me. It was the democrats in congress, including, I might add, Kerry and Edwards, that voted against the armor for the troops.
Just remember, liberal left. When you point a finger at the president, there are 4 fingers pointing back at you!!!

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