Today has been a bit of a chance to breath. Not much of one but at least we can say we made it through last week. 1 boat show down, 1 or maybe 2 more to go this spring. Things really didn't go too bad around here, it just was a really looooooonnnnnnngggggg week. Mark put in 3 twelve hours days and won't have a day off till this Saturday.
My family is actually rather content again. The NASCAR season started off on Saturday with the Bud Shoot-out. It's not a points race but it was still a race. Now they can survive till the Daytona 500 on Sunday. Mark was at the boat show during the shoot-out so that is what he is watching tonight to "chill" a bit. The kids started the race on Sat. night but mom made them go to bed in the middle so they finished it Sunday afternoon.
This isn't really a "normal" week either. There are parent teacher conferences this week. That means 1/2 days of school on Wed. and Thursday then the kids have a 4 day weekend. Oh, joy. And of course, they are forecasting cold and snow starting on Wednesday. Can we say "cabin fever"?
Well, I'm too tired to think of what else I was going to write about. Guess it's time for bed for me too.