Just a minute to fill you in on the weekend and this week's schedule. Mark woke up sick with vomiting and diarrhea Friday night and was pretty miserable Saturday. He was keeping food down on Sunday but still felt dizzy in the morning so didn't go to church. By evening he was feeling better still and had kept down more food so went to evening service.
Rachel and Stephen had AWANA games practice in the morning. They then spent most of the afternoon playing games on the computer while I ran to the store while Mark and Joshua were napping. They did ok for a while and they didn't fight over the computer. Turns out they were having such a good time that they got too loud and woke up both Daddy and Joshua. After I got home from the store I sent them all outside to burn up some energy. They were thoroughly soaked by the time they came in but had enjoyed themselves.
Today Mark was up to going to work but still didn't feel "right". Stephen left for school saying that his stomach didn't feel very good either. The Blacks went ahead and put insurance back on their truck so we have their car to use. In a few minutes Joshua and I are headed out to do some AVON (as long as we don't get a call from school first).
Stephen has an appointment tomorrow morning and I really don't want to think about the rest of the week. I have a wedding cake that I am doing on Saturday and our AVON team has a booth set up at the Women's Expo in town Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I have agreed to take shifts all 3 days. That also means prepping catalogs with stickers, etc. before then. There is also a church ministries conference that is held once a year that is this weekend. I'm not going to make it at all but Mark is going to try to go to some sessions, as time permits.
No word on the car yet but we aren't going to push either. With having the Black's car, we will be fine till it is done so there's not really a rush to it.
I guess I should stop sitting here writing about the week and get busy facing it. If you don't hear from me for a while you'll understand why but keep checking in. You just never know when I may get a craving to write.