I can't believe it has been so long since I have had a chance to sit down and blog a bit. I even had a phone call to check in on us since I hadn't written anything recently. It has also been so long that I don't hardly know where to start. I'll try to catch you up but only hitting the high points.
The first weekend in April, Mark's mom and 1 nephew came for a visit. They got here Friday evening and left Sunday morning. I spent most of the day Saturday at an AVON booth at a Family & Kid's Expo here in GR. Mark and his mom brought the kids over for a while and they had a good time. Mark's mom won a DVD player and our family won a pretty fancy craft project including 3 piggy banks from the "Big Yellow Box" company.
The first full week of April was Spring Break for Rachel and Stephen. Our weather was unbelievably beautiful! It was sunny all week and the highs were in the 60's or 70's!
My mom came for a visit on that Monday 4/4. It was the first visit since before Christmas. The kids were thrilled to see her. She took them on walks down to the park and fed the ducks almost every day. I had so much going on with AVON, different appointments, and a funeral at church, I'm not sure I would have made it through the week without her. I know that this place was definitely more "sane" with her presence. We also got quite a bit of miscellaneous fixing up done around here. I learned how to replace the coils on our gas dryer and how to replace the plug on the dishwasher. Mom and I even took a day to go down to Fort Wayne and visit with long time family friends, Charles and Pauline Joder and Shirley Mullins. Unfortunately, she had to head back to Alpena yesterday but not before making sure my laundry was all caught up.
We celebrated Joshua's 4th birthday on Wednesday of Spring Break. It was scheduled to be celebrated on Tuesday but Stephen ended up sick just 1 hour before guests were coming so we postponed it. It was amazing that we could have the cake and ice cream outside on the picnic table because it was so nice.
The AVON is keeping me busy and going well. I have 1 recruit to sign up tomorrow and then 1 for Friday as well. I am having to call and check up on some of my other recruits that are struggling a bit but all-in-all I think it is going good.
The kids are back in school. At least Rachel is glad of that. She really misses her friends. She has Sarah close by but that is it and sometimes they don't see eye-to-eye. Joshua is also glad they are back in school. He likes having Mom to himself more.
Well, kids will be banging through the door any minute now so I better sign off. I'll try to write more but don't promise anything.