Monday, October 31, 2005

Rachel's sick

Just thought I should let everyone know that Rachel is sick at home today. She came to me yesterday and told me she had burning when she went to the bathroom. She didn't have any other signs or symptoms but with our last encounter with a urinary tract infection resulting in a hospital stay, I wasn't taking any chances. I called the doctor this morning and we got in at 10 a.m. In her urine sample they found some blood and a high white blood cell count which means the UTI that I suspected was probably right. However, she also has tenderness in her abdomen and back off to the left side so the doctor is suspecting a kidney infection as well. The doctor started her on an antibiotic but said that depending on what further testing shows at the lab they may have to change which one it is. I thought about taking her to school for the afternoon but the doctor suggested just letting her stay home and rest. The doctor did give her the ok to go to the Meet & Treat at church tonight but I'm seeing that she is really dragging. She kept looking for places to sit down while we were waiting for her Rx to get filled. I'm going to hold off judgment till closer to time to go. I'd rather miss tonight and her be able to go to school tomorrow than have her push it too hard too soon and not give the antibiotics time to get a handle on the infection.

We also have a rather big weekend planned that we want her well for. Thursday evening we were scheduled to leave for Lake Ann Baptist Camp. The kids have Friday off of school and Mark and another friend from church are supposed to be there for a Camp Captain meeting Friday evening and Saturday morning. We decided to turn it into a work weekend for both families. We will be raking leaves or whatever else they need doing during the day on Friday and Saturday. While Mark and Bruce are in their meetings, Bev and I will keep the kids busy with work or play. Of course, this now is all contingent on Rachel's health. Home is always the best place to be when you're sick so I won't push for her to go at all if the antibiotics haven't kicked in by then.

Friday, October 28, 2005


It's been a while since I had a chance to sit and post anything. Just been very busy!

I'm trying to get winter clothes situated for all 5 of us. Turns out I have enough for probably 3 boys size 4T while I don't have enough shirts for a full week for Stephen for the winter. Rachel is pretty well covered I think. I haven't even hardly started on Mark's and mine yet. This has entailed a couple of days of working through our attic. It has been a long job but I can definitely see progress being made. I have made one trip to Goodwill with a full van and will make another one soon. I also have bags set aside for a friend of mine that can make use of the hand-me-downs.

Last weekend, Mark's mom came for a visit. We actually asked her to come watch the kids. I spent Saturday at a Certified Beauty Advisor class for AVON. It was in Battle Creek from 8-5. Mark had to work so we needed someone to watch the kids so I could go. It was good to see her and the kids really enjoyed it. She also cleaned my house and did my laundry while I was gone! What a bonus! She then had to go home on Sunday.

The class was great! I am now certified to do makeovers. The real plus was all the product knowledge that I received that day! Now I just need my supplies so that I can line up some "guinea pigs" to practice on.

On Monday, my mom arrived. It had been quite a while since she came for a visit. The reason for the timing of this visit was for Grandfriends/VIP day at the kids' school which was Thursday. The kids had wanted her to come other years but it hasn't worked out so she came this year. (Other years, friends from church stepped up to visit with the kids at school so they did have someone there that day.) Her and I spent a lot of time this week with all sorts of projects especially the attic.

God also answered a big prayer for us this week. I think most of my readers know that last year I had a severe allergic reaction to our real Christmas tree. This has already been on our mind this year because buying a fake one was going to make Christmas expenses even greater than most years. We also wanted to make sure that we had one that was nice and we could really enjoy it. While Mom and I were at Goodwill with a full van to donate, we went inside to look around. They had 4 Christmas trees available. One was a 7 foot Manhattan pine that was originally from Frank's Nursery and Craft for a cost of $139.99. All the other trees were around $60-$70. This one was marked just $24.99! I asked a little about it and when I found out that I could return it (just like at a regular store) if we didn't like it, I bought it! I put it up just as soon as I got home and it met everyone's approval! This is a big relief for us! As I started with, we really feel that this is an answer to our prayers.

Today, Mom left for Mark's house in Wooster, OH. There's still lots going on and I really have to keep going. This ended up being a lot longer post than I planned on but I think that pretty much brings everyone up to speed on things at our place. It's time to get the kids from school!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Has everyone made their annual phone calls to Mom today? It is her birthday! Her and I have actually been playing phone tag this week already. I'll try again tonight either before or after my meeting in Hudsonville. If I don't get through though I'll just figure that I wasn't the only one to not make it to the store for a card in time to mail it. I should probably go send one electronically just in case I don't get to call.

Monday, October 10, 2005

New chair

Well, not new, new but at least a different one. Our Moms should be very happy. My husband finally got rid of "his chair". On the way home from church yesterday, we passed a recliner on the curb marked "free". We turned around and checked it out. It is a dark brown plaid. It is a bit worn with just a few little holes worn through. But it really isn't in too bad of shape. The recline and footrest mechinism seem to work just fine. Best of all, it sits a lot higher than the old chair.

It was actually just at the end of the block so Mark just carried it up the hill. We brought it home and Mark vaccuumed it out. I Febreezed it and it is a real hit in here. It isn't anything great but the price was right and it is an improvement on what we had.

I have a ton to get done and am trying to figure out which order will get everything done so I guess I better get at it.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not much going on

At least not much noteworthy. We are pretty much in a routine now. We're plenty busy but it is just the usual, school, homework, AVON, Advance papers, shopping, cleaning, and cooking.

What is unusual around here is the weather. We have been in the 80's the last 2 days and will be again today and tomorrow. It has only been getting down into the upper 60's during the night. We are in for a change though. October weather should arrive again on Thursday with highs cooler than what it has been getting at nice recently. We haven't even gotten a frost here yet. Of course, they are talking about temps back into the 70's again early next week.

I know we need to get storms on and prep for winter but that is a little tough when we still need to get some air to keep it from being too stuffy to sleep. I've actually been tempting to turn on our air conditioning yesterday and today because of the humidity being so high too but have resisted since we just got an electric bill last week.

Oh, I know the big news here. Rachel ended up with a black eye...and her brothers didn't even help her get it. We put her to bed Saturday night and she was fine. Sunday morning she got up with quite a shiner. She says that she hit it on one of the side bars of her bed as she laid down. She didn't think it would get too bad so she didn't bother coming down for ice.

Mid-term progress reports came home last week. The kids are doing fine. There are a couple of weak areas for each to work on but overall they looked good. Rachel is working on an Inca ABC project due tomorrow as well as her band. Stephen has a field trip to the zoo coming up at the middle of the month. They are also looking forward to Grandfriends/VIP day at the end of the month. MEAP tests started this week and will be for the next week or so.

That's about it for now.