At least not much noteworthy. We are pretty much in a routine now. We're plenty busy but it is just the usual, school, homework, AVON, Advance papers, shopping, cleaning, and cooking.
What is unusual around here is the weather. We have been in the 80's the last 2 days and will be again today and tomorrow. It has only been getting down into the upper 60's during the night. We are in for a change though. October weather should arrive again on Thursday with highs cooler than what it has been getting at nice recently. We haven't even gotten a frost here yet. Of course, they are talking about temps back into the 70's again early next week.
I know we need to get storms on and prep for winter but that is a little tough when we still need to get some air to keep it from being too stuffy to sleep. I've actually been tempting to turn on our air conditioning yesterday and today because of the humidity being so high too but have resisted since we just got an electric bill last week.
Oh, I know the big news here. Rachel ended up with a black eye...and her brothers didn't even help her get it. We put her to bed Saturday night and she was fine. Sunday morning she got up with quite a shiner. She says that she hit it on one of the side bars of her bed as she laid down. She didn't think it would get too bad so she didn't bother coming down for ice.
Mid-term progress reports came home last week. The kids are doing fine. There are a couple of weak areas for each to work on but overall they looked good. Rachel is working on an Inca ABC project due tomorrow as well as her band. Stephen has a field trip to the zoo coming up at the middle of the month. They are also looking forward to Grandfriends/VIP day at the end of the month. MEAP tests started this week and will be for the next week or so.
That's about it for now.