Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It is sssooooooooooooooooooooooo hot here in MI!!!!!!! It has been 92 degrees outside!! HELP!!!

Well on Monday July 2, Stephen and I along with kids from church, will be going to Lake Ann Baptist Camp for a week. It is going to be alot of fun!!! Poor Joshua has to stay home:(!!!! Here is what he thinks he will do while we are gone.

The fisrt thing that I will do is probally go to the pool.

The engilsh reading is "The first thing that I will do is probally go to the pool. Joshua!!" He is weird sometimes. Well maybe ALL the time.

TTYL (after camp)


1 comment:

C Emrick said...

Rachel, you are so good with your brother! Hope you have a great week at camp. -Mrs. Emrick