Wednesday, May 24, 2006

As if I wasn't busy enough around here this week. The lead contractor decided he was ready to have some guys start painting here this week. And from the last 2 days, it isn't encouraging. They came Monday and started on the garage. They are supposed to "wet scrape" since it is lead paint. Well, that is hard to do if you leave the water bottles laying around the yard and you have a cigarette in the hand that isn't holding the scraper. So the paint chips that they are taking off aren't staying on the plastic very well either. They scraped the garage and spot primed it. Then they started on the back of the house. When I looked at the scraping on the garage, it wasn't done. They did some more on it yesterday as well as more on the house but were only here a 1/2 day. When something is primed, that means it is ready to paint, right? Last night there was no way that the scrapping was done but yet 3 sides of the house were spot primed! This morning I have talked to both the contractor and the city supervisor for the lead program. They both assured me that they weren't done scraping. No one had an answer then as to why they had spot primed over areas that still needed scrapped. They have only taken a few of the hardware left from the old storm windows off and only after several were spot primed over which tells me if I hadn't complained they would have just been painted over and left there. And with my complaints about the chips not staying on the plastic, they have brought a hepa vac to clean them up. Today they have stayed till 10:15 and disappeared again. My best guess is that they will be back around 3:30 to clean up and put away for the evening since the contractor usual transports one of them to and from the site. At this rate, there is no way the work is going to be done before the kids get out of school on June 8 and heat and humidity is to set in this weekend. In the mean time, I can't open windows during the day when they might be here working and the kids can't play in the yard. AAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! I don't have time for this. I have way too much going on to have to babysit these useless....... (I'll let you fill that in). Well, thanks for listening to my rantings. I better get busy.