Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Sorry I haven't been on but things are getting even busier around here. I have a 7 month old in care now. Actually, she is back in my care and is here more than previously. It was rather short notice that she was coming back and rather a sticky situation that brought her back. Her 6 year old sister came on Monday too and is supposed to come back again next week but it is sort of nice with the little one getting a chance to get adjusted without her here.

I also start delivery of the once a week paper called the Advance today. It doesn't pay a lot but every penny helps. It is only once a week on Wednesdays. Rachel and Stephen are looking forward to helping with the paper but my plan is for Joshua and I to deliver it during the day while they are at school. They can help during the summer.

I am also trying to make sure to spend some time each day working to build my AVON business. I spend time Saturday at an AVON kiosk at the mall passing out catalogs. I managed to sign up a recruit that day! That brings me up to 4. One more and I have my own unit. If sales are high enough, I will then get bonus checks from AVON. I have more leads for that 5th one but need to follow up with them.

It might sound strange but as busy as this has made me, the house isn't getting any worse. I don't know that it is getting much better but I am sort of getting to follow the first 3 Flylady lessons. I have even started getting the kids in on it. As part of their bedtime routine, they now pick out their breakfast and clothes before bed.

Well, baby is getting tired so I have to close for now. Just didn't want you thinking I had given up.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Snow day

Well, the kids have had their second snow day of the winter. That's more allowed. (This should be a short entry--it just took me 3 times to type "allowed".)
Rachel developed a little cough on Tuesday. She says she has a sore throat too. She probably wouldn't have gone today if there had been school. The thing is she still doesn't have much else going on. No fever, nothing visible in the throat. She isn't better but she isn't worse. I hate to keep her home unnecessarily but I also don't want to send her to school if she is going to make others sick. It doesn't help that tomorrow my schedule is booked solid from 9:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m.
Not much else going on here.

Monday, January 17, 2005


It is January 17. JANUARY 17!!! And what is going on? John Kerry is still campaigning. Did I mention that it is January 17? The election was 2 blasted months ago! John, the election is OVER!!! YOU LOST! GET OVER IT! There was no election fraud in Ohio. More buckeyes chose President Bush. That means he wins Ohio and you lose. Get over it. It is high time that you and your supporters get over the election, and quit your whining!
As for all these liberal complainers stating that they have better ideas?! OH PLEASE! It was your precious president that had Osama Bin Laden handed to him on the proverbial silver platter, and did NOTHING! He let him go. What did that result in? 9-11. It was your precious president that signed the North American Free Trade Agreement. THIS is why jobs are going outside our borders. I find it interesting that Kerry blamed the president that jobs were leaving the US, when his own wife owned foreign company. It this a conflict of interest or what? Then they blame the president for not supplying the troops with the needed armor. Excuse me. It was the democrats in congress, including, I might add, Kerry and Edwards, that voted against the armor for the troops.
Just remember, liberal left. When you point a finger at the president, there are 4 fingers pointing back at you!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2005


I figured that I better blog a little so that you know that we aren't completely frozen here. It has been extremely cold here though. It went from the 50's on Wed to teens on Thursday. It was raining on Wed. and snowing Thursday. The windchills have barely made it above 0 the last 3 days. What a rollercoaster! Did you all hear about the 200 car pileup on I-96 over just east of Lansing on Wednesday? Fortunately there were only 2 deaths and 37 others injured. That was caused by fog because of the warm air and cold ground. I just saw the forcast and it isn't expected to warm too much all week. The warmest to look forward to is Wed with a high of 28 degrees.

Mark has had some trouble. His car doors aren't liking the cold. I understood that on Thursday when we had all the rain on Wed. but it is frozen again tonight. Mark came home from work about 2:30 and then I went to take it to go shopping at 7 and couldn't get a key to move in either door.

I'm not quite sure where today went. I did get some things done but not nearly what I wanted to. My AVON order got here but didn't even get opened yet. That will be for Rachel & I to do tomorrow afternoon. She is my official order processor. Joshua is my "sticker guy". He puts the stickers on catalogs with contact info. Stephen helps with some things but isn't as interested as the other 2. Well, it's late and I'm tired.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Magazines anyone?

The kids each came home with a packet of info. Seems we're selling magazines now. Anyone interested in subscribing or renewing a subscription let me know and I'll get you the info. I figured this was the best way I have to pass the word around.


Well, the Taj Mahal is done and gone to school. Stephen had to make a Taj Mahal for a school project. The assignment came home last Friday and we jumped on it over the weekend, so we thought. Stephen's first idea was to make it out of cake. Not that unusual in this house. I'm always making unusual shaped cakes. After more looking at the pictures, it was decided that might not work. He finally setteled on playdough. We started by Sunday making several batches of homemade dough (flour, salt, and water).

Tuesday we made all the sides and a dome. Wed. is AWANA so we had little time to work on it. He did make the rest of the domes. So all we had to do was put it together right? Wrong. One stipulation in the directions was that the base could only be 10x10 inches. I knew that and had even mentioned it several times to Stephen as he made the walls. For some reason, my first thought on Thursday was that the walls weren't going to fit the base. I was right. So we spent last night remaking all the walls using white cardboard that I have here for cake boards. The playdough wasn't a complete lost. He still used the domes on the cardboard and the pillars that he had made. I just hope and pray it made it to school ok.

Yesterday, was quite busy. I placed my AVON order in the morning, Joshua and I did lunch duty at the kids' school, and then I had an AVON meeting in the afternoon. All this to come home and get dinner before starting on the Taj Mahal. What was nice was that Mark pitched in to help get dinner and Rachel helped clean up.

I haven't done my "Flying lessons" very well. I guess you could say, I'm still trying to get the hang of the first 3 lessons, but I think it is already making a difference and not just in me. Time would be that Rachel would not help with the kitchen much. If you said load the dishwasher, she would only find the ones in the sink to put in there. Last night, she not only put all the dishes in the dishwasher, she washed the ones that wouldn't fit in it! When she was done, she pointed out that she had it shining as the Flylady says to do.

Well, it is also a half day at school today so I have to get moving. I only have an hour before I get to go do carpool duty. There's things that go better to do when there is only one child here so I better get at them.

Monday, January 10, 2005


See why I thought I needed a blog site to keep everyone updated on our lives? I told you that I might be too busy to post very often. Life has just been going full steam this last week.

The kids had a snow day last Thursday. Mark and I had an appointment so we had to find someone to watch 3 kids instead of 1 at the last minute. The appointment lasted longer than expected so that ended up being most of the day.

Mark and I have also decided that it is time to really get our lives (home, schedules, etc.) organized. Following some advice from a church friend, we are now, "Flybabies". If you don't know what that is, you might want to check out It might seem strange that some advice and encouragement from a website could be very effective, but I think it really has. The last 3 days things have gone smoother around here and my kitchen has stayed as clean as what it usually does with a mother here!

Today, my kitchen has fallen apart a bit but I do have a bit of a reason. I spent the day on a field trip to Lansing with the 4th graders from Rachel's school. Being a charter school, it is up to parents to drive and sometimes it is tough getting enough. Not so today! We had 36 cars in the caravan with 2 adults in each car. There are only about 75 kids in the 3 classes. We toured the Capitol building and then toured Museum of MI History. The teacher in me came out and I appointed myself at the front of the group a lot because we had some wonderers that couldn't wait with the rest of us. "Stay with the group" was a concept beyond them and they thought they were in a race.

My race started after we got back to the school. I offered to bring another 4th grader home but first, Joshua needed picked up from the north end of town at a friend's house and Stephen needed picked up at the shouth end of town from a friend that had picked him up after school. Then it was drop off the other girl and head home. Fortunately, I had thought ahead and could just throw dinner in the oven.

So are you all as tired I am just by reading about it? That's just the usual craziness of our lives here!

Good night!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

So much for blogging!

I told you I didn't know how much that this would work. I haven't been able to sit down and do this now for several days. We have just been our usual busy selves. And as usual, something always turns up that you don't expect when you already have plenty on your plate.

As I was getting our tubs out to put our Christmas decorations away, I discovered water on top of one of the tubs that was in our attic. So we called a handy friend of ours from church to come take a look. Of course, that meant lots of cleaning to make way for them to get to the attic. Christmas is packed but still sitting in the living room and dining room.

We are currently in the middle of a snow storm but they are forecasting 40's and rain for next week. Our friend said that we should be fine till then and he will probably be back to see what happens when it warms. The good news is that it appears that we have caught this right at the beginning and there doesn't appear to have been any damage to anything stored in the attic.

I had planned to spend a day catching you up with what each of the children are doing but I guess that will have to wait. It's time for bed!

Monday, January 03, 2005


Well, I am learning about this blogging world. Did I do the Haloscan comments right? We'll see. One step at a time, I guess. Thanks to my Big Brother maybe this will become something more than just the bare basics of a blog.

Thanks again to my big brother I already have readers. I hope you don't find this place too boring. I don't know that I'll have much very exciting or insightful to write about. I just thought this might be a way for all our friends and family to keep up with the goings-on of our 3 kids without me having to write out specific e-mails to everyone.

I am doing a bit of a celebration dance today. Rachel & Stephen headed back to school today! It's been a rather long 2 weeks. I don't know who had the bright idea of giving the kids the whole week before Christmas off. It sure wasn't what I call a good idea. It must have been an educator without their own kids who wanted time to get their holiday stuff done. It sure didn't help me get much done around here.

I had big plans for today and, of course, they have all fallen apart. I really should be getting caught up around here and not be doing this right now. I'll have to get more into this later.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Good Evening!

We attempted to start a journal using the journal feature on AOL. We have heard from several people that they are having difficulty reading and posting to our journal. The interesting thing is, all of those that are having difficulty are NON-AOL members. Interesting, huh. We also find it interesting that AOL's supposed great new feature where they offer their members free virus protection, only applies to anything sent to or received from other AOL members. Go figure!

At the suggestion of "Big Brother Blogger," otherwise known as Melanie's oldest brother, we are trying a blog site for our own ramblings.

For our first rambling, let me address our blog title. We talked about a couple of titles before this one came up, but this one seemed to fit quite well. We are in GR, and we are definately NASCAR Nuts! To illustrate this, our oldest son received a NASCAR racing speedway as a CHISTmas present. He wants to put on his own NASCAR race every Sunday until the next NASCAR season starts. He didn't get one in today. He said we would take it off for the holiday!

Well, that's it for now. Only 6 weeks until Daytona!