Friday, August 15, 2008

My Summer (So Far) Part 2 By Rachel

So I left off at Canada Monday. Well I should describe the place we were at. We were on a island on the French River, 4 hours east of the Sault. The only way you can have electricity is by a generator. There are 3 cabins. The middle has a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom with a toilet and a hot shower. This was the girls cabin. The boys had the other 2 cabins. The only electricity they got was from a light bulb. The boys got to use an outhouse for the week! And if they wanted a shower they got to take it in the river! Now because the girls had the kitchen, we spent most of our time in our cabin. At night after the boys left we had to get our sleeping bags out and lay them out on the floor. Then in the morning we had to pack it up and get dressed by 8:30 so that the boys could come in. Well everyday there was a kitchen and boat crew. The kitchen crew made the meals and the boat crew took care of the boats. Every morning after breakfast we went out to the rocks and did our God and I time until lunch. After lunch we got to do different activities that Art had. (Art owns the camp and is a pastor. His wife Judy was there too along with Sharon (Beaver) the nurse). On Tuesday half of the group was blindfolded. the other half was to lead them and follow Art. We had to go around trees, OVER DITCHES, and over a beaver dam. The reason that I capitalized over ditches is because my leader lead me into a little ditch and I twisted my ankle! On the way back it was really hurting. Also it was thundering. When we got back, that was when it started to rain. Well part of the boat crews job is to got all of the water out of the boat after it is done raining. So after they thought it was done raining the boat crew went done to bail the boats and everyone else who had nothing to do went with them. When they got down there the whole back of the biggest boat was underwater!!! They came back up to get Art and some buckets. As they starting it begins to rain again! It then turned into a big water fight and everyone was soaking wet when they were done. I did not have any part in it. I was watching from the cabin and keeping off of my ankle. After the rain stopped and everyone was dry and done eating Art did a devotional on John chapter 21 every night. Afterward we got to play "Simon Says." Now you may say what is the big deal, but you have not played "Simon Says" until you have played with Art. He is so good at getting you out. He got one girl out by asking what her name was! On Wednesday afternoon we got to go tubing and skiing!!!!! That was a lot fun! When it was my turn, I had a rap around my ankle and when I fell off I felt like seaweed was tangled around my foot but it was the rap mostly undone. I just took it off. Before we went back to the dock to trade with some kids so take they could tube, one of the leaders named Avery was trying to windsurf. She was a ways away and she was to tired to swim back with the board. So we got to bring her back. That was interesting trying to get the board back. Later after the devotional, Art made a circle with a rope and had us kids try to pull on it so that we didn't fall on each other. After we did it the leaders got to try it. We then did a challenge were we all had to close our eyes and keep them closed. We all were put some where on the rope by Art. Well when he said he had everyone on the rope I to say that I was not on there. He forgot me because I was behind someone. So while keeping our eyes closed we had to make a square without Art and Beaver's help (Judy was sleeping). We did a good job for the space that we had. Well on Thursday the morning schedule stayed the same but lunch was postponed until later so we had a snack and we got into canoes and started our trip. We were supposed to go 2 hours have lunch then go 2 hours back. We didn't even get 1/4 th of the way and there was thunder, so we had to turn around and go back. So while it was raining, we did another challenge. This one two people were tied with shoe laces that crossed each other and the object was to undo it. The girls didn't give up, every one else had Art tell them how to do it. Afterward we got to go to a different island and climb up the rocks. It was an amazing view! We then climbed down and went swimming. Friday, we all got on boats and they spread us out at different spots close to the camp for a hour. That was a nice quiet except for when a train went over the bridge. When that hour was over we went and had a picnic lunch on "exile" island (the island across the river). We then came back, got our bath suits on, and went cliff-diving. I only went once, but everyone else was doing a lot. For devotional we went outside and had a fire. We got to tell everyone what choices we had made that week. After the generator went off we waited a few minutes and we scared the boys by making them think there was a bear outside when it was only the female leaders. But when they came over to our cabin to make sure we were all right, we went outside and we saw the stars. They were amazing! Well Saturday, we were getting on boats and leaving and started the rain, again. That was a terrible cold ride. We were going to try to leave by 8:30, we didn't end up leaving until 9:30! We had so much fun on the 12 hour ride home. Except for 1 boy who throw up. We were hypper then we all fell asleep then we were all hypper again. We ended up back at the church at 10:30 p.m. The next morning, we got to sing our theme song for the week for the church wearing our Canada shirts. That was fun! I ended up sleeping in until 11:30 to catch up on sleep on Tuesday becase on Monday I had to babysit. But I had lots of fun in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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