Monday, August 28, 2006

Doing better

Everyone is fine & healthy again. We have now visited all the kids teachers and seen their classrooms. I have been slowly working on gathering their school supplies and are almost there. I have refused to buy any pens or highlighters till we go through this house and check for any lost ones that we have on hand. The boys need haircuts and there are probably some more shoes to buy but for the most part school prep is pretty well under way. They start back 1 week from tomorrow!
I spent Friday night and all day Saturday at the Hudsonville Fair working at an AVON booth. Friday went well but Saturday was slower than expected. I think because it looked like rain all day it kept people away. I didn't sign up any recruits on the spot but did get some prospects.
Rachel is up at Gramma's house. They have been having fun garage sale-ing and also canning peaches.
Yesterday was promotion Sunday at church. It is my least favorite day of the year. Being in charge of the preschool dept. I have to talk in front of all the parents. I have no problem being in front of the kids but don't like doing the adults. But I survived again for another year.
Well, I have to get busy around here. I'm still playing some catch-up from being sick.