Saturday, August 05, 2006

Few minutes

Just I better take a few minutes to blog while I can right now. The weather finally broke and Dad didn't think that much of an excuse anyway. Of course, we were hotter here this last Sunday-Wednesday than what he was in FL. We had temps in the upper 90's and heat indexes around 105-110. Not having a/c, it makes for rather uncomfortable living.
The main thing to talk about in our week besides the weather, is that Rachel is sick. She actually gave us quite a start on Tuesday. She said that her throat hurt a little and she had a headache when she first got up but I sort of blamed in on the miserable heat. I had an appointment at 1 so I took the kids to a friend's house with a/c while I was gone. Except Rachel got worse while I was gone instead of better. I didn't want to hurry home because of the heat so we took her temp there and it was 102.7. We gave her an extra strength tylenol but it didn't go down at all. So I called the dr. and we were able to get a 5:45. I left the boys with the friend and called Mark to have him pick them up when he left work. At the dr.'s, Rachel was miserable! They tested for strep & UTI but both were negative. They said she could have 600 mg of ibuprofen for her fever. She said she felt a lot of pain when they were feeling around her neck and head. She was also dizzy and walking very stiffly. The dr. decided that we should go across the street to the ER. She called them and we headed over. The ibuprofen kicked in while we were waiting to see the ER dr. So they ended up sending us home without further testing (such as a spinal tap). They decided it was just a virus.
She hasn't had a fever since Tuesday. However, she is still rather sick. Her congestion went from stuffy to running like a faucet yesterday. She also has a cough and a lot of joint pain. Then yesterday afternoon, she started complaining of an earache. Seems that some of the congestion caused bacteria to get into her ear canal and cause an infection there. She now has an antibiotic to help that. So we aren't going very far or doing a whole lot with her like this. We are trying to get her better so she can get in her visits to Gramma and her friend Jackie in Newaygo.
They are done with the Saturday morning video time so I better get moving. The rest of our commitments and lives haven't stopped because she is down. It just takes more juggling this way.