Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New link

I'm putting a new link on the side panel of the blog. This will be to my personal AVON website. Everyone is welcome to visit it and place orders if you like. If you are in the GR area, I can personally deliver the order. If you are not in the area but would like to help my business, you can do that too. Just choose delivery and the order will be shipped directly to you. I think I saw that the shipping charge is just $3 but you'll have to check into that more. Let me know what you think of the new site.
Rachel is still home from school today. The nurse at the dr.'s office says that this is probably the virus that is hitting our area. Right now, there isn't much that they can do for it but it has been leading to strep in some kids and pneumonia in others. We have to give it a few days to see where it might go from here. Too soon in and we will just have to make another trip in a couple of days. She has to be improving by Friday because there is a Father/Daughter banquet at church Friday evening that she and Mark are attend!

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