Friday, February 23, 2007

Still Sick

Rachel is still down sick. She has now officially missed this whole week of school. We took her to the doctor yesterday and the official diagnosis was influenza. So the "flu" has hit and is making her miserable. She had been fever free since late Tuesday but it is back today. The doctor said that it could last 7-10 days from the start but the cough could actually last 3 weeks.
This is a real bummer around here. Rachel was supposed to go with Mark to a Father/Daughter banquet at church tonight. We have already paid for the tickets and a corsage is ordered to be picked up this afternoon. Also, Rachel qualified for her car to race in the regional Awana Grand Prix tomorrow morning. I don't know now if she will make it to that or not. Hopefully, they will let someone else race her car even if she can't be there.
The good news is that I haven't had to keep dragging her all over to get things done that I need to do. Since she is old enough, we leaver her for short periods of time like when I have kids to pick up at school or this morning when I had to take Mark to work because the van wouldn't start when he was to come home last night. It gives her a better chance to rest.

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