Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hanging in there...

I'm busy as usual. Kids are taking turns with minor bugs getting them down for a few days here & there. Joshua started it with a strange virus that gave him stomach cramps & loose stools for 5 days. Now that he is better, Rachel is down. She had cramps & an upset stomach over the weekend. Then starting Monday afternoon, she has had problems with headaches, earaches, & dizziness. I don't know if she'll make it to school yet tomorrow. I really hope so. So far Stephen, as well as Mark & I, are fine & we hope to keep it that way. I'm just really tired from working 3rd shift & not sleeping well during the days because of dealing with sick kids & other appointments.
I guess appointments is where you would say that Stephen is keeping my hopping. He developed very red, dry skin on both hands most of the way to his elbows back in October. By Thanksgiving, I decided he needed to be seen. The dr. gave us some cream which helped for a while but then it got rather bad again . It was miserable to look at. When the cream Rx ran out, I called the dr. back & said that I either wanted a different Rx or a referral to a dermitologist. I got the referral & less than a week later we were in to see a dermitologist specializing in psoriasis & ezema. Stephen now goes for special light treatments 2x per week. Fortunately, we are able to go in after school & don't even have to have an appointment.
2 weeks & counting for Rachel's musical performance! On Feb. 10th she will be the minstrel in the middle school production of "Once Upon a Mattress". I have to make another lute for them to use. Fortunately, I thought they might need a second one so I kept all the leftover pieces from the first to use toward a second one if needed. I still haven't figured out how to make it have a strap attached to it to wear it like a guitar. Mom has made her a beautiful costume though it has some kinks I have to work out yet too.
The weather has finally settled down a bit. We were getting hit with a good amount of snow every 2-3 days for a couple of weeks. Then it went completely frigid for most of a week. Now, we haven't had more than just a few flakes here & there for over a week & we are just barely below normal for temps. The snow machine is supposed to start up here again. According to tonights 8 day forecast, we are supposed to get at least some every day for the next week. They did have one 32 degree forecast in there!
I don't remember if I put this in the blog yet or not but I'M GOING TO WASHINGTON D.C. in May! After school started up again after the holidays, it came to light that I had made it to the top of the waiting list of chaperones & a seat became available. We leave GR late in the afternoon on May 12, sleep on the bus overnight. Then we are in DC for the 13th, 14th, most of the 15th. We return to GR early on May 16th sleeping on the bus coming home as well. I figure I won't have a problem sleeping on the bus since this body can now sleep most anywhere at anytime when it is tired. Rachel may not be as fortunate in that category but then again, she's going to be so excited it will probably keep her from sleeping too. I have already got the time off approved from work & am saving up my PTO so that I will still get a paycheck while I am gone.
We have also been busy researching area high schools. We really don't want Rachel going to GR Public next year. At least not the neighborhood one that she is supposed to go to. We are looking at outlying districts to do as a school of choice. It is nice that 3 charter schools just held a HS fair where lots of area schools, public & private, had tables & you could talk over the pros & cons of each with representatives. This was the first year they held it & it was rather interesting. We think we know which school we would prefer she go to, now it is a matter of prayer to see if God wants her there. She is also going to do a "shadow day" with a girl she knows in that school to get a feel for the school. That will have to wait till after she is better & the musical is over though. We are going to attend a few more meetings & possible tour some other schools just to make sure we are taking a fair look at all the options.
Can't think of much else to write about right now. I don't want to get into the car struggles we've had lately. That is a bit of a downer. Just a constant matter of prayer.

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