Friday, November 11, 2005

Another quick update

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are back from the doctor. She said that this is just the croup lingering on. They did do a strep test to rule that out and it was negative. She said that it can take about 2 weeks for the cough to go completely away. As long as he doesn't spike another fever or have trouble breathing, we just wait it out.

He also got a flu shot while we were there so he didn't enjoy the trip. Between the swap for strep and the shot, he wasn't a happy camper but he did fine. We'll just keep up with lots of fluids and lots of rest. (I wish he would rest his voice a little more since the inflamation appears to be right on his voice box. This kid loves to sing and talk though and is only quiet when he is asleep.)

Speaking of talking...he starts speech therapy next Thursday. It will only be 20-25 minutes a week. We finally connected with his therapist and scheduled it for every Thursday at 2:00. I guess the only nap he will have on Thursdays will be in the van.

Well, lots to do. Hope to post again soon.