Friday, November 11, 2005

Quick update

I just wanted to post a quick update. I'm heading to the doctor with Joshua in a few minutes. He is still complaining of a sore throat as well as coughing a lot. There isn't any fever for the last day or so but he really doesn't sound too good.

I've got to spend a lot of today getting ready for a craft show. I'm setting up an Avon booth at the craft show at the kids' school. Fortunately, I have 3 other of the reps that I have signed up doing it with me. That has spread out the responibility a lot so it hasn't really overwhelmed me. It has been hard to do a lot of running around this week with Joshua sick. I have to get some flyers ready and labelling done. If I get them printed during the day, the kids can help me get them put together after they get home.

Well, I have to finish getting ready to go.