Friday, March 03, 2006

Busy weekend!

This is going to be a busy weekend, not that most of them aren't. It's just that this one actually has a lot scheduled. Most of the time it is just busy with household stuff that can happen whenever we get to it over the weekend.
Rachel and Stephen are going to be in rough shape by Sunday. I'm pretty sure of it. They are going to a "Camp Out" at church tonight with the Awana leaders. They are supposed to be picked up by 9 a.m. but they are also part of the Awana games that will be happening at the end of the month so they have practice from 10-noon. We asked if we really had to pick them up for the hour or if we could just leave them there and were told that they could just be left there. So after the camp out they will be spending at least 2 hours practicing all these running games. Then Stephen has a birthday party to go to from 2-3:45 at a gymnastics studio. They have all sorts of tramps and bungies, etc. so I don't think this will be a "sedate" party by any means.
The kids' school carnival is tomorrow too from 1-4 but I don't think we will be making it. I haven't volunteered and feel a little bad because I haven't even baked any cakes for the cake walk but just don't know when I would have found the time or money.
I'm actually going to spend the day at the Muskegon mall with some other Avon reps. We are going to be trying to sign people up to sell Avon. I have a unit underneath me that is doing rather well. Right now though there is an extra incentive to earn a trip to Chicago. My leadership checks that I get from having a unit are starting to really look rather nice but need to get a bit bigger to really help out around here. The way to do that is to increase the number of reps under me. That's the long-term incentive. A night away in Chicago being treated nicely by Avon (and all the little freebies they want to throw my way) would sure be nice though. So Saturday is a big Avon push! With Mark's work schedule, I sort of have to do it whenever these opportunities fit into his work schedule.
I think I'll be opening my own "barber shop" on Sunday. It's time to get my clippers out when both Mark & Rachel are complaining of needing a haircut and Stephen needs it whether he says so or not. I sort of like the feeling I get when I'm done. So far, no major errors in their cuttings and I always know that I have saved at least $50 when I do the whole family.
Well, I think that is about it for now. Joshua and I were supposed to go grocery shopping this morning but he started acting like his stomach was upset so I would rather not chance it. I'm going to focus my day on laundry and cleaning up around here. I may do the shopping after the kids go to the campout or just make Mark a list for their meals for Saturday and then go shopping Sunday afternoon or Monday if we can last that long.