Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Survived...with help

We have all survived an extremely hectic week but only with the help of Mom. I was running so much last week that I didn't even check the email on somedays till the kids were in bed for the night.
There is a Women's Expo in town every year and my upline has a booth which she needs help manning. That also involves lots of prep work on our part. It is a great opportunity to really give a boost to our Avon businesses. That was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But I had 600 packets of catalogs and flyers to prep before Thursday so they could be at the booth at setup. I worked the booth on Friday during the day and Sunday between church services.
The same weekend is a church ministries conference. It is on Friday evening and most of the day on Saturday. It is really a wonderful experience with lots of practical ideas to help with our church ministries. Our church covers the cost for any that want to go and I really needed the encouragement so that is where I was on Friday evening and Saturday.
Mom came down on Thursday to watch the kids so Mark and I could go to the conference. She also watched Joshua while I was at the Women's Expo on Friday. She helped with laundry and started the packing of items for us to get ready for the lead work.
It was a beautiful weekend weatherwise. Saturday was nice enough that Mom and the kids walked to a nearby park and stayed for about 2 hours. Even yesterday it was around 65 around lunch time. Then the wind kicked up and now we woke up to a light groundcover of snow. Windchills are in the teens and windter has returned. Hopefully, my hyacinths that started to come up over the weekend will survive ok.
Now, of course, there is followup to do of contacts that we have from the Women's Expo plus keeping up with the everyday work needing done around here. I believe though that I was able to earn an overnight trip to Avon's branch in Morton Grove, IL. They call it a "Queen for a Day" tour of the Avon headquarters. Even if I didn't, I have almost doubled the size of the unit I have in just the last month or so. If my leadership checks stay consistant or go up then I'll be giving up 1 Advance route soon. If I keep 1 route it will be Rachel's and we will transfer it to her name as soon as she is old enough.
No word yet as to when the lead work is going to be done. I had 1 contracter come through to get info for the bid another was scheduled but didn't show yet. I have a lot of running to do but am not looking forward to it in this weather. I'd rather stay right here.
This weekend is going to be a little quieter but not much. Rachel is part of a solo & ensemble competition with kids from other charter schools in the area on Saturday and then there is also practice for the Awana games on Saturday and this is Mark's week to work on Saturday.
Well, that's about all the news from here.