Friday, January 14, 2005


Well, the Taj Mahal is done and gone to school. Stephen had to make a Taj Mahal for a school project. The assignment came home last Friday and we jumped on it over the weekend, so we thought. Stephen's first idea was to make it out of cake. Not that unusual in this house. I'm always making unusual shaped cakes. After more looking at the pictures, it was decided that might not work. He finally setteled on playdough. We started by Sunday making several batches of homemade dough (flour, salt, and water).

Tuesday we made all the sides and a dome. Wed. is AWANA so we had little time to work on it. He did make the rest of the domes. So all we had to do was put it together right? Wrong. One stipulation in the directions was that the base could only be 10x10 inches. I knew that and had even mentioned it several times to Stephen as he made the walls. For some reason, my first thought on Thursday was that the walls weren't going to fit the base. I was right. So we spent last night remaking all the walls using white cardboard that I have here for cake boards. The playdough wasn't a complete lost. He still used the domes on the cardboard and the pillars that he had made. I just hope and pray it made it to school ok.

Yesterday, was quite busy. I placed my AVON order in the morning, Joshua and I did lunch duty at the kids' school, and then I had an AVON meeting in the afternoon. All this to come home and get dinner before starting on the Taj Mahal. What was nice was that Mark pitched in to help get dinner and Rachel helped clean up.

I haven't done my "Flying lessons" very well. I guess you could say, I'm still trying to get the hang of the first 3 lessons, but I think it is already making a difference and not just in me. Time would be that Rachel would not help with the kitchen much. If you said load the dishwasher, she would only find the ones in the sink to put in there. Last night, she not only put all the dishes in the dishwasher, she washed the ones that wouldn't fit in it! When she was done, she pointed out that she had it shining as the Flylady says to do.

Well, it is also a half day at school today so I have to get moving. I only have an hour before I get to go do carpool duty. There's things that go better to do when there is only one child here so I better get at them.